How to practise effectively and quickly: this is the eternal question for every musician. The biggest challenge for anyone wanting to learn how to play an instrument is how to progress as quickly as possible and meet various professional and other expectations. In a fast-paced world it is increasingly difficult to devote concentrated time to instrumental practice, which is often limited by more factors than just the lack of time. Practice studios are available for a limited time, or it is simply not feasible to practise for extended periods in addition to working or studying. This is why it's important to have a collection of small tricks and best practices that can save time and energy, and still help you get quality work done. We must forget the idea that the two instruments can only be played by musicians specially trained to play one or the other. In the 21st century we need to be universal and prepared from the beginning of our studies to cope with the different instrumental challenges we will face. Flexibility is very important, which is why we need to step out of our comfort zone and do extreme exercises that are not necessarily comfortable for us.